Class Descriptions
Align and Flow
In this fun, all-level class, we will focus on awareness of the body, using breath and asana (yoga postures) to promote alignment. Modifications, partner work, and props will further encourage strength, relaxation, and enjoyment as we strive in our practice to create a welcoming and supportive environment.
Beginners Yoga
10 basic beginner foundational yoga poses (asanas). Alignment and anatomy for a safe practice is emphasized as we build strength and gain stability and flexibilty. Breathwork (pranayama) is key to any practice, so we explore many breathing techniques. Beginners yoga offers the fundamentals of yoga for a lifelong journey of growth exploring unlimited personal possibilities — spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Chair Yoga
Suffering with back pain, or healing from surgeries, knee replacements, hip replacements, our youthful years of wear and tear, both physically and emotionally? Chair yoga is a safe, yet challenging yoga class. Many stretches and joint release gentle movements. Perfect class to destress and a great sharing group of ages 35 to 100.
Gentle Yoga
A gentle practice that incorporates postures, deep relaxation, breathing techniques, and meditation. Emphasis is placed on making the practice accessible to everyone, no matter their age, size, shape, or physical condition – so modifications are given freely and individual progress comes first. You are encouraged to move at your own pace and keep your attention on your own experience, refraining from judgement and comparison. Improves flexibility, decreases stress, and feels really good. This class is suitable for anyone – those feeling great, or those in pain.
Gentle and Restorative Yoga
Gentle and restorative class with Beth Polak. Release, release and let go, accepting healing physically and emotionally.
Gentle Stretch / Yin Yoga
Release tension, relieve stress, and relax deeply in this gentle yoga practice.
Hatha Yoga
A slow paced stretching class with some simple breathing exercises and meditation. This is a good place to learn basic poses, relaxation techniques, and become comfortable with yoga. Hatha yoga describes any of the physical practices of yoga. (Remember that yoga has eight limbs, only one of which, asana, involves doing yoga poses.)
Intermediate Yoga
Intermediate yoga explores a deepening and more challenging yoga practice. We build upon our practice of beginners basics... more of a Vinyasa flow with added balance poses and inversions, deeper stretches and hip openers.
Kundalini Yoga
Known as one of the most comprehensive of yoga traditions, joining meditation, mantra, physical exercises and breathing techniques.
In any Kundalini Yoga class, you can expect to find six major components:
1. Tuning-in with the Adi Mantra – Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
2. Pranayama and / or warm-ups (ex. cat/cow, spinal flex)
3. Kriya (yoga set)
4. Deep relaxation or savasana
5. Meditation
6. Close with the blessing song, "May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You" and a long Sat Nam (which means truth is my identity)
Men on the Mat
Yoga for Men only. Basic stretches and yoga moves to help with flexibility, strength and balance. Sit at a desk all day or on the road traveling, this is the class for you. Mindful teaching for tight hips, stiff necks, and back pain.
Morning Yoga
Morning yoga to awaken and stretch the body. Sun salutations and warrior sequence.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is a calming practice that teaches physical relaxation in a safe and nurturing environment to calm all parts of the body and mind. Guided, gentle and supported movements encourage deep relaxation. It is the perfect complement to any physical exercise. Shifting to a more relaxed state is something we can all enjoy.
Strength and Flow
Fun and invigorating yoga flow for those ready for the next level. Emphasis placed on building core stability using simple alignment cues. Seek to build strength through awareness and precision. May invite arm balance and/or inversion poses.
Yin Yoga
Yin yoga helps to release into the fascia of the muscles while being supported with bolster, blocks, and blankets.

Debbie Dove Segebart CYT-300
Debbie Dove Segebart is the owner and founder of Studio D Yoga. Many years ago, Debbie discovered the healing power of yoga and now she explores and shares the healing power of meditation, breathwork, sound healings, meridian sessions, journaling, painting, drawing, collage, and gentler styles of yoga.
In addition to yoga certification, Debbie has a BFA in painting and drawing with two years extensive study towards an MFA in printmaking – lithography and intaligio. She is an award winning commercial signage design fabricator with over 40 years in the field of art and design.
Debbie feels called to facilitate healing and guide seekers to personal peace. You are invited to join Debbie for a group experience or a private session.

Wendy Morgan RYT-500
It is with great joy that I have relocated from my current space, to Studio D Yoga, where I will teach kundalini yoga, facilitate a monthly women’s circle and a bimonthly book club, offer group and private sound baths, intuitive oracle readings, and Lotus of Life activation sessions.
For those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. I am a life-long learner, and a long time yoga teacher. I believe that all that we need to live a balanced and fulfilling life is already within each of us, and that the Universe provides synchronicities and signs to encourage us along the journey. I have found that the support of community is key to developing self love and illuminating the soul’s highest calling, and that we are all each other’s greatest teachers. As my youngest of three children heads to college in the fall, I look forward to a new chapter of self discovery, and I am excited to be part of the loving community that Debbie has created at Studio D Yoga!
Register for classes and other offerings via Wendy’s website:

Kimberly A. Amentt, BA, RDCS, BCTMB, LMT, CLT
Kimberly has been practicing massage therapy since 2000. She was introduced to the immense benefit of massage therapy after breaking her leg which left her walking with an awkward hobble. She was amazed how therapeutic the massage was in helping her walk normally again. Kimberly specializes in customizing the perfect massage for your needs. She has always found knowledge about how the body works together fascinating.
Kimberly's bachelor of arts from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as becoming a cardiac registered sonographer, have only added to her knowledge base of this lifetime learning process.
Kimberly is certified as a Lymphatic Therapist. This healing art form started by Dr. Vodder, and continued by Joachim Zuther, have furthered her amazement of how beneficial manual work can be for the body when the lymphatic system has been damaged or removed.
Schedule appointments via Kimberly’s website:

Martha Rouleau YTT-200
Martha’s journey to become a yoga teacher was inspired deeply by her long-standing mindfulness practice of over 13 years that deepened her understanding of the magical nature of the mind and body connection. As a trained scientist before becoming a 31-year veteran of public-school education and administration in Connecticut, she was always fascinated by the body’s physiology especially as it translated into the world of energetics. Therefore, yoga has been an integral part of Martha’s life for over 20 years.
After completing her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, she trained with Peggy Cappy, a nationally acclaimed yoga teacher showcased on PBS for many years with her program, “Yoga for the Rest of Us.” Martha considers it an honor to be able to practice with others sharing the journey of listening more deeply and compassionately to the true inner wisdom that resides within each of us.
For Martha, yoga is the path to uniting the mind with body and the heart with soul. She wholeheartedly greets all on this unique and beautiful journey.

Alexza DeCroix
Alexza has been an avid student of holistic living and health and fitness for over 25 years. After she received her 200 hour Yoga Alliance certification from Samadhi Yoga Institute in 2004, she taught her first vinyasa classes on her roof deck at sunset. Alexza weaves her knowledge of meditation, nutrition, energetic healing principles, music, and universal love into her classes.